How to Submit a Preconf Transaction

This guide will walk you through the process of submitting a preconfirmation (preconf) transaction using the Taiyi protocol.

To see the full code for this example, including imports and additional details, check out the source code on GitHub.


Before you begin, make sure you have:

  1. Rust installed on your system
  2. A private key for signing transactions

Step 1: Configure Connection Details

First, set up the connection details for the Taiyi, Ethereum execution layer, and your private key.

    // Configure connection details
    let taiyi_url = std::env::var("TAIYI_PRECONFER_URL")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
    let el_url = std::env::var("EL_URL")
        .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
    let signer_private = std::env::var("PRIVATE_KEY")
        .expect("Private key must be provided");
    let signer: PrivateKeySigner = signer_private.parse()?;
    let provider = ProviderBuilder::new()

Step 2: Query Available Slots

Query the Taiyi for available slots to submit your preconf transaction.

    // Query available slots from the Taiyi 
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();
    let res = client
        .get(&format!("{}/commitments/v1/slots", taiyi_url))
    let available_slot: AvailableSlotResponse = res.json().await?;

    // Check if there are any available slots
    let target_slot = available_slot
        .map(|slot| slot.slot)
        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("No available slot"))?;

Step 3: Prepare Transaction Details

Prepare the necessary details for your preconf transaction, including nonces and gas estimates.

    // Initialize TaiyiCore contract instance
    let contract = TaiyiCore::TaiyiCoreInstance::new(

    // Fetch tip and preconf nonces
    let tip_nonce = contract.get_tip_nonce(sender).call().await?.nonce;
    let preconf_nonce = contract.get_preconf_nonce(sender).call().await?.nonce;

    // Estimate EIP-1559 fees
    let estimate = provider.estimate_eip1559_fees(None).await?;

Step 4: Create TipTransaction

Create a TipTransaction object with the necessary details for the preconfirmation request.

    // Create a TipTransaction with estimated fees and transaction details
    let tip_tx = TipTransaction {
        gas_limit: U256::from(21_000),  // Standard gas limit for simple transfers
        from: sender,
        to: preconfer_address,
        pre_pay: estimate.max_fee_per_gas * U256::from(2_000),
        after_pay: estimate.max_fee_per_gas * U256::from(1_000),
        nonce: tip_nonce,
        target_slot: U256::from(target_slot),

Step 5: Sign TipTransaction

Sign the TipTransaction using your private key.

    // Calculate the hash of the tip transaction
    let tip_hash = tip_tx.tip_tx_hash(U256::from(chain_id));

    // Sign the tip transaction hash using the signer
    let tip_sig = signer.sign_hash_sync(&tip_hash)?;

Step 6: Create and Sign PreconfTx

Create a PreconfTx object and sign it with your private key.

    // Create a PreconfTx with transaction details
    let mut preconf_tx = PreconfTx {
        from: sender,
        to: to_addr,
        value: U256::from(10_000_000_000_000_000u64), // 0.01 ETH in wei
        call_data: Default::default(),
        call_gas_limit: U256::from(1_000_000),
        nonce: preconf_nonce,
        signature: Default::default(),

    // Calculate the hash of the preconf transaction
    let preconf_hash = preconf_tx.hash();

    // Sign the preconf transaction hash
    let preconf_sig = signer.sign_hash_sync(&preconf_hash)?;

    // Set the signature in the preconf transaction
    preconf_tx.signature = preconf_sig.into();

Step 7: Create PreconfRequest

Combine the TipTransaction and PreconfTx into a PreconfRequest object.

    // Create a PreconfRequest with the tip transaction, signatures, and preconf transaction
    let preconf_request = PreconfRequest {
        tip_tx: tip_tx.into(),
        tip_tx_signature: tip_sig,
        preconf_tx: Some(preconf_tx),
        preconfer_signature: None,
        preconf_req_signature: None,

Step 8: Submit PreconfRequest

Finally, submit the PreconfRequest to the Taiyi using an HTTP POST request.

// Submit the PreconfRequest to the Taiyi 
let response = client
    .post(&format!("{}/commitments/v1/preconf_request", taiyi_url))

// Get the response body as text
let response_body = response.text().await?;

// Process the response (e.g., log it, parse it, etc.)
// ......